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11 Photoengineering of tissue repair in skeletal and cardiac muscles... 2009/6/22
12 The effect of intravascular helium-neon laser blood irradiation on the state of the compensatory processes in the acute period of hemorrhagic shock and after resuscitation... 2009/6/22
13 Low-energy laser irradiation of blood as a method of prevention of blood circulation decompensation in hemorrhagic shock... 2009/6/22
14 Markers of oxidative stress and aging in Duchene muscular dystrophy patients and the possible ameliorating effect of He:Ne laser.... 2009/6/22
15 Molecular and cellular mechanisms of the low intensity laser radiation effect... 2009/6/22
16 Free radical mechanisms of low-intensive laser radiation... 2009/6/22
17 Red and green low-powered He-Ne lasers protect human erythrocytes from hypotonic hemolysis.... 2009/6/22
18 Modulation of macrophage structure and function by low level He-Ne laser irradiation.... 2009/6/22
19 Blood irradiation by He-Ne laser induces a decrease in platelet responses to physiological agonists and an increase in platelet cyclic GMP... 2009/6/22
20 Low-Energy Helium-Neon Laser Irradiation Stimulates Interleukin-1 and Interleukin-8 Release from Cultured Human Keratinocytes... 2009/6/19
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